Sean you will always be remembered with love because you touched the lives of all those around you, especially your family. God will bless you always. Love, Aunty Mary xxxxxxxxx PRE>
- Mary McQuillan
(17 Years Ago)
Sean was always brought laughter into everything that we did-that laughter will be deeply missed. I love you, Sean. From your sister Amy. PRE>
- Amy Slootweg
(17 Years Ago)
Sean will always be my brother PRE>
- Laura Slootweg
(17 Years Ago)
Sean is always and will always be my beautiful boy. I will miss him always. I never knew the meaning of broken-hearted until now.
Love you
Mum xxx PRE>
- Rosemary Slootweg
(17 Years Ago)
Just painting PRE>
- Rosemary Slootweg
(17 Years Ago)
Sean is a source of great pride, for me, in all that he has achieved in his too short life.
I hope he will be an inspiration for many and that his life will continue to have meaning for many people - even those that have never known him.
He was so much a part of me, and I'll miss him always.
Love, Dad