
I really miss you Sean but I know you are in heaven watching me, feeling very pruod of me
- Laura Slootweg
(17 Years Ago)
I did not see Sean very much but I do remember him being very funny
- Niamh McQuillan
(17 Years Ago)
I am happy there is a website for Sean. It means there is a huge tribute to my beloved brother.
- Laura Slootweg
(17 Years Ago)
Sean was a great part of everyone's lives but now he is not here, there is a huge gap in this world- In Wales and in Northampton
- Laura Slootweg
(17 Years Ago)
Sean passed away on the 6th of march and life will never be the same again.
- Tom Freary
(17 Years Ago)
I feel guilty because I didn't see you much.
- Tom Freary
(17 Years Ago)
Lots of love to Sean luv laura xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Laura Slootweg
(17 Years Ago)
Sean is a really good fencer and was very talented at the guitar as well
- Laura Slootweg
(17 Years Ago)
Having known Sean pretty much as long as I can remember, his passing has caused an enormous shock.  His ability to combine such a dry wit and sense of humour with great sensitivity was a rare quality, the loss of which shall leave a great hole.  I'll miss you mate.
- Daniel Lucas
(17 Years Ago)
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Why Sean was taken from us we will never understand but we were honoured to be part of his family.

Such a beautiful and talented boy who was so loved by all his family and friends.

We will miss you always but will keep you in our hearts forever.

Much love
Aunty Ange

- Angela Freary
(17 Years Ago)
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